New Year's Eve

Car Accident

Car Accident

Car Accident

Car Accident

Car Accident

Car Accident
Glass in Hand

Car Accident

Car Accident
Fractured Ankle

Car Accident

Car Accident
Bruised Shoulder

Friday, April 30, 2010

Peer-Edit Partner

I met with my peer-edit partner Jhassette today. We discussed the final outcomes of our paper and I recommended a few locations for her to visit for her research since we have the same topic.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010


I met with my peer-edit partner Jhasette the other day. We caught each other up on what we had for our research paper. We plan on meeting again to finalize our paper sometime before Friday.

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Late Research Introduction

In Second Life Social Interaction is a must. Just like anything new you have to learn how to use it and practice to make it perfect. Learning Social Interaction in Second Life you have the ability to voice chat private and publicly, implement various gestures, instant message, fly and teleport to other locations. It is said that only about one in ten people who visit Second Life stay on to become regular inhabitits. What is the nature of Social Interaction in Second life?

Monday, April 12, 2010

Research Paper Outline

Topic: Churches In SL

I. Atmosphere
A. Services
B. Members
II. Locations
A. Apperance
B. Interaction
III. Word
A. Presentation
B. Clarity
C. Interest

Change of Research Topic- Churches In SL

How do churches in SL differ from Real Life churches?


I. Atmosphere

A. Services
B. Members

II. Locations
A. Apperance
B. Interaction

III. Word
A. Presentation
B. Clarity
C. Interest

Peer-Edit Partner

Just met with my peer-edit partner Jhasette and we discussesd each others topics for our research paper. Her topic is Social interaction.

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Research Topic and Question

Topic: Real Life Locations in Second Life

Question: What makes real life locations in Second Life realistic?

Thursday, April 8, 2010


Yesterday afternoon, Myself and Jahsette confirmed that we would be partners for our research paper. Tomorrow we plan to discuss what our topic is.